Hello Dear Altar Boys

A boy or man who acts as server, especially at Holy Mass, but who has not been officially appointed or delegated to ministry of acolyte.    A boy who is an altar server.  A boy serving as an acolyte.  An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service; an acolyte.
An altar server is a lay assistant to a member of the clergy during a religious service.  An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, etc.
Roles and Responsibilities of Altar Boys :
¯ VERY IMPORTANT : Arrive at church at least 10 minutes before Mass and put on your alb or the altar boy’s dress.
¯ Before each Mass, they fix the “Cross/Book” Server and “Candle” Servers.
¯ Usually, the “Cross/Book” Server is the tallest server or the server in the highest grade at school.  If all Altar Servers are about the same height and in the same grade, decide among yourselves before Mass who will be “Cross/Book” Server and “Candle” Servers.
¯ When there are only two Altar Servers, there will be no candles in the opening and closing procession.  The candles are used at the Gospel reading.  The “Cross/Book” Server will perform all duties for Server # 3.
¯ Five minutes before Mass, the Candle servers will light all the altar candles.
¯ They must see that the altar is prepared and set ready for the celebration of the Holy Mass.
Setting the Altar
¯ Sacramentary (Big Book) and Wooden Stand.
¯ Priest’s Chalice, Corporal, Paten, Purificator.
¯ Chalices and Purificators for the Eucharistic Ministers.
¯ Ciborium filled with hosts.
Entrance procession and beginning of the mass
¯ Altar boys walk between the two candle holders during the entrance procession.
¯ The “Cross Book” Server will stand at the back of the church followed by the two “Candle” Servers.
¯ The “Candle” Servers will be side-by-side about three feet behind the “Cross/Book” Server.
¯ They work as a team to set the altar (bringing the cups, bowls, purificator cloths, etc.)
¯ While communion is being distributed, they work as a team to remove all items from the altar EXCEPT the Corporal (square cloth with red cross on the altar),  bring the lids from the credence table and stack them neatly on the altar.
¯ During Communion along with the other servers partially clears the Altar - Removes Chalice, Paten & Purificator from the Altar.
¯ After Communion along with the other servers finishes cleaning the altar - Removes empty Ciborium & lids.
Clearing the Altar during Communion
¯ Remove the Sacramentary (Big Book) and Wooden Stand.
¯ Remove the Priest’s Chalice, Paten and Purificator.
¯ Leave the Corporal and Put Ciborium Lids on the Altar.
Clearing the Altar after Communion
¯ Remove empty Ciborium & Lids.
¯ Remove Corporal.
End of Mass
¯ They walk between the two candle holders during the procession to the sanctuary.
¯ When it is time to begin Mass, the song leader will announce the entrance hymn.  The entrance procession begins when signaled by the Deacon or Priest.
¯ The “Cross/Book” Server, carrying the cross, slowly leads the procession up the center aisle.  The two “Candle” Servers carry the candles about one pew behind the cross.
¯ When you reach the front of the church, the “Cross/Book” Server stops with the “Candle” Servers on either side.  Pause briefly, and then put the candles in the candle stand and the cross in the cross stand.
¯ Return to the front of the altar and join the Priest, Deacon and others.  One “Candle” Server goes to the left side, the other to the right side with the “Cross/Book” Server.
¯ Wait for the Priest to bow, and then proceed TOGETHER AS A TEAM to the altar servers’ chairs.  Stand straight with hands folded above the waist.
Patron saints for altar boys
¯ St. Dominic Savio
¯ St. Aloysius Gonsaga
¯ St. Rose of Viterbo
Few Biblical references
¯ Levites are supposed to assist the priest of Aaron tribe.  (Num 3:6).
¯ Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a boy wearing a linen ephod. (I sam 2:18) v
Fr. A. Jeyaraj
St. Augustine’s Seminary, Trichy


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